Classes, Workshops and Events | Winding Stair Farm

Classes, Workshops and Events

2025 Classes:

Native Plants for the Vegetable Garden

Led by Adam Bigelow of Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions. Saturday, March 29th. 10 am start. $30-$5.

Discover how your vegetable plants—and the native plants that support them—can transform your garden into a thriving, self-sustaining ecosystem. Discover which edible native plants to grow, and which pollinator-friendly species will help your vegetables flourish!

Learn Native Plants for Veggies!

Herbal Salve Workshop

Led by Tolvin, Winding Stair’s Produce Farm Manager. Saturday, April 5th. 10 am start. $30.

Discover the art of crafting your own herbal salve—from foraging to finishing!

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn to create a deeply nourishing, herbal-infused salve using locally available plants. Whether you’re interested in natural remedies, sustainable self-care, or simply looking for a new skill, this class will guide you through every step of the process.

Herb Your Enthusiasm!

Native Pollinator Workshop

Led by John Kotab, local author and bee expert. Saturday, April 12th. 10 am start. $50

Learn about bees, and build a bee hotel!

You’ll learn the lifecycle of native bees, their interaction with hollow and pithy-stemmed perennials, and the plants they rely on for survival. This workshop is ideal for gardeners, conservationists, and wildlife enthusiasts.

Become a Bee Landlord!

Planting & Developing a Food Forest

Led by Adam Bigelow, local Native Plant Enthusiast. Saturday, April 19th. 10 am start. Choose Your Price: $30-$5

Join Adam for a fun workshop on how to design an edible landscape, select native and permaculture-friendly plants, and create a thriving ecosystem that enhances soil health and reduces your garden’s water need. You’ll discover the plants that enhance and improve your vegetable garden, rather than compete with it,.

Join Our Food Forest Workshop!

Raised Bed ClassRaised bed class with tolvin

Led by Tolvin Winding Stair’s own Produce Farm Manager. Saturday, April 26th. 10 am. Choose Your Price: $30-$5

Tolvin’s back and with this hands-on class, you’ll learn how to build and start your own raised bed garden (using one of our Epic Garden Beds as an example), and then onto creating the perfect soil mix and choosing the best plants for your space. By the end, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to grow a thriving raised veggie garden, and enjoy a bountiful harvest in your own backyard.

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Click to sign up for our newsletter and get weekly updates about all of our classes for 2025. 

Previous Classes & Events


Seed Starting Workshop

Led by Tolvin, Winding Stair’s Produce Farm Manager. Saturday, March 22nd. 10 am start. $30.

Join our friendly farmer, Tolvin, for a fun and hands-on dive into the world of Seed Starting! In this workshop, the WSF Team will break down the mystery of growing veggies from seed, showing you how to care for them as they sprout and water them just right. The price covers an 8-cell, durable seed tray with a clear dome, seeds, soil, and expert care tips!

An Intro to Composting (Compost Happens)

Presented by Adam Bigelow. Saturday, March 8th. Choose Your Price: $30-$5

NOW is a great time to start thinking about how to set up a composting system and to make the best of all your scraps, whether from the garden or the kitchen. If you don’t know Adam already, this is bound to be not just educational, but also fun!

Winding Stair 7th PARTY!

Saturday March 1st, 11am to 3pm. Free!

Join us as we celebrate our 7th year as Franklin’s only independently owned Garden Center. We’ll also return to regular spring hours! Come by, listen to some live music and join in the festivities. 

An Introduction to Southern Appalachian WildflowersAdam Bigelow teaches Wildflowers of Southern Applalachia

Presented by Adam Bigelow. Saturday, February 22nd. Choose Your Price: $30-$5

The wildflowers of Southern Appalachia are hidden gems, bursting with color and life as early as February. Local favorite speaker Adam will showcase their beauty, with a captivating slideshow presentation to enjoy.

Prune your Trees & Shrubs: Workshop. Hosted by Adam Bigelow. Saturday, February 8th. Choose Your Price: $30-$5

Adam Bigelow joins us at the nursery to talk about recommended tools and to demonstrate techniques for pruning and training fruit-bearing trees and shrubs to optimize their performance in the coming year.

Bare Root and Live Stake Class

Led by with Nathan Buchanan. Saturday January 25th, Noon start. Choose Your Price: $30-$5

Nathan will present information on two different styles of planting: Live Staking and Bare Root Planting. Both cold weather planting methods are fast and light on labor thus making them a great project for this time of year. Learn a new skill and engage in gardening early in the season!

Native Plant Seed Sowing (the “Milk Jug Class”)

Led by with Adam Bigelow. Saturday January 18th, 1pm start: Sliding Scale pricing $5-$30

Adam will be back for our first class of the year to talk about the importance of sowing native plant seeds both directly (on the ground) and in this unique method where one also gets to repurpose a milk jug so it can live beyond its sole purpose in life and, at least somewhat, give back to the planet

Order WNC-sourced Fresh Holiday Greenery!

We have a beautiful selection of locally made Seasonal items, including Fraser Fir Wreaths and Garland (Fraser Fir, White Pine or a Blend). Learn More about what we have on offer and/or Order online to pick up at the nursery.


Workshop: Make a Holiday Wreath:  SOLD OUT!

This year we are just hosting the one class, so don’t miss out! Get creative and join the Winding Stair Farm team this holiday season!

A fun morning – a perfect way to get in the spirit, bring a group and enjoy!

Elements of Pruning with Ben Pick from Saturnia Farm

Nursery Location: Saturday, November 16th. 10am Start. $5 to $30 sliding scale pricing.

Pruning can feel overwhelming or daunting at times. Where do you start? Am I doing this correctly? Is this the right time of year? This class will go over the general elements of pruning, both the how-to’s as well as the thought processes and approach from one species to another.

Fall Planting: Trees and Shrubs, with Adam Bigelow

Hosted by Adam Bigelow of Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions. Saturday, October 12th @ 10am. Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$30

Due to the massive rain this week, we have changed the date of this class from Sept 28th to October 12th.

Fall is the best time of year for planting Native Trees and Shrubs, as they get to sit in the ground after being planted, all winter and Spring establishing root growth, without having to do any above ground work like leaf or stem growth.

Native Plant Seed Collecting in Fall (Second Event on this day)

Led by Wild Ones WNC’s own horticulturist and plant propagator, Adrienne.
Date: Oct 5th at 1pm. Sliding Scale Pricing $5 to $30 CANCELLED 

Learn about Seed Saving: Collecting, Processing, Storing and Germinating, and get hands on and collect seeds with Adrienne around the Nursery.

The Fall Mountain Farm Tour – Owner-led farm and campground tour: Sat October 12th. Morning/Afternoon options

Adults $20, Kids $10, Family Special $50. CANCELLED

Join our farm team and the owners of our beautiful mountain farm … where it all began. Our mountain farm is home to our flock of Icelandic Sheep, our 18-ft grist mill, our campground, and our birds!


Fall Equinox Yoga Event at Winding Stair Farm – Led by Franklin’s own Sharon Mandel. Date: Oct 5th at 10am. Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$30

As the leaves begin their gentle descent and the days start to wane, join me in celebrating the magical transition of the Fall Equinox through a harmonious and rejuvenating yoga practice. This special class is designed to help you align your energies with the changing seasons and find equilibrium within yourself. As we come together on the cusp of fall, we’ll draw inspiration from the inherent balance of the equinox.

Planting on a Steep Bank or Slope – Hosted by Brannen and Jill of Spriggly’s Beescaping. Saturday, Sept 14th at 9am: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$30

From helping with erosion control to providing a low-zero maintenance and attractive slope, this class has information that almost all gardeners can benefit from. The difficult question of dealing with a bank is one we are often asked about, so come on by.

Planting and Developing your own Food Forest – Hosted by Adam Bigelow of Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions. Saturday, Sept 7th at 9am: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$30

A food forest is a garden where you grow a variety of different fruits, nuts, herbs, and even vegetables. It is designed to mimic a natural forest and has many different layers, from trees to shrubs, ground cover plants, vines, and more. 

Family Fun Day: Playing with Pollinators. Saturday, August 24th: FREE!

Our Annual Family Fun Day Event: PLAYING WITH POLLINATORS. FREE. A wonderful day out for the family. The young ones will have plenty to keep them busy with activities, games, face paint, story time, and more. We’ll also have live music, a food truck and a great vibe!

Art Elements in Garden Design. August 17th 9am: Hosted by Arielle.  

“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece,” – Claude Monet. A beautiful garden is worthy of admiration just like a moving song or painting. In this class you will learn how to apply basic art elements and visual design principles to create magic in your home garden space. Free your creativity and bring fresh vision to your garden!

Dog Days of Summer: a Summer Yoga Session / Saturday, Aug 3rd 9am: Sliding Scale Pricing
Led by Franklin’s own Sharon Mandel.

“Self Care for the Dog Days of Summer” is a soul-nourishing yoga class specially crafted to help you unwind, recharge, and cultivate a sense of inner harmony. This class will guide you through a blissful journey of movement, breath, and self-discovery. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, this class is designed to accommodate all levels of practice.

Adam Bigelow

All about Native Plants. Saturday, July 27th: 9am. Sliding Scale Pricing. Hosted by Adam Bigelow.

Guaranteed to fascinate all plant fans, whether they already know some of the wide range of natives plants in our area or are new to the subject, 0ur unique native species talk will cover the importance of these plants to the ecosystem, as well as identification tips and advice on what to plant in your own gardens.

Planting and Protecting Gardens with Wildlife In Mind

Saturday, July 13th: 9am. Hosted by Brannen and Jill of Spriggly’s Beescaping.

Begin by learning best practices on how to plant a sustainable garden that supports the widest diversity of pollinators and other beneficial wildlife. Then explore environmentally-friendly Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods that boost resilience and help to protect your garden. The IPM portion of this course will cover everything from tackling powdery mildew to warding off deer.

Shade Your Stream: Riparian Buffers and Stream Protection

Date: Saturday, June 29th| 10am start. Cost: Free
Speaker: Dr. William O. McLarney, Senior Scientist and Aquatic Program Specialist, Mainspring Conservation Trust

This class will serve to inform our guests about how to protect streams and waterways that run through or skirt their properties. In addition to stabilizing banks and reducing erosion, taking care of your stream edges can also provide food for fish and wildlife as well as provide habitats, protect the temperature of waterways, and more.

A Special Summer Solstice Yoga Session

Led by Franklin’s own Sharon Mandel. Saturday, June 22nd: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25

This special class embraces the energy of the summer solstice, symbolizing the peak of light and vitality. We will begin the session with grounding breathwork, allowing you to connect deeply with the earth and cultivate a sense of harmony within. As you explore various poses and sequences, you’ll be guided to tap into the vibrant energy of the solstice, inviting growth, expansion, and renewal into your life.

Plant n Sip: Create your own Native Plant-er
Led by Skye and Amanda.  June 15th. WILD ONES MEMBERS: Sliding Scale pricing: $25 to $65 // GENERAL: $35-$75

We’ve designed this class to be both educational, fun and creative. Join us as we celebrate the importance of native plants in our ecosystems as well as the joy they bring to humans, mammals, birds and pollinators alike. Not just that… you will also be able to get your hands in the soil and design your own native plant container garden.

Shiitake and Oyster Mushroom Inoculation Workshop

Led by Tolvin, our farmer. Saturday June 8th. Price $35 (includes supplies)

Come learn how to cultivate Mushroom logs –  the whole process, from tree to your dinner table. This will be a hands-on experience and each attendee will receive their own Mushroom log.

Native Pollinator Workshop

Led by John Kotab. Saturday June 1st. (Limited to 40 attendees): Sliding Scale Pricing $10-$30 (includes supplies)

Come learn to partner with and enjoy many of North Carolina’s 500 species of wild bees. Whether you prefer your solitary bees to be small, medium, or large, learn hands-on how to create native bee “hotels” by two distinct methods.

Campground Open Day

FREE! Come visit us at our Mountain Campground. Sunday June 2nd.

Bring your friends and family along to explore the magic that is Winding Stair Campground.

You can visit all the campsites, take a self-guided tour, including the farm, bring a picnic lunch and sit by the river. Learn More!

Planting on a Steep Bank or Slope

Hosted by Adam Bigelow Saturday, May 18th: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25

Come one come all and learn about the spectacular solutions you can apply at your home to deal with steep banks and slopes. Adam, a local legend when it comes to spreading the word about native plants and their myriad benefits, will be here to apply his knowledge and mouth-words to this subject. If you’re going to attend one class this week, then make it this one!

The Natural History of the Theaceae: A Rare North American Plant Family

Led by Brent Martin from Alarka Expeditions. Sunday, May 19th. Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25

Brent Martin, executive director of the Blue Ridge Bartram Trail Conservancy and co-owner of Alarka Expeditions, will present on the natural history of the Theaceae family in North America (tea family) which includes Franklinia alatamaha, or Franklin tree, Stewartia ovata (our native Mountain Camellia), and Stewartia Malocodendron (Silky Camellia, native to the coastal plain).

A Special Sunday Class: Create your own Hanging Basket

With Winding Stair Farm’s own Maria/ Mother’s Day, Sunday May 12th: $85 includes all you need!

On Mother’s Day, our team will talk about the basics of hanging basket design, the considerations you will want to make and review the plants you will have to play with. We’ll be on hand to give you suggestions and help you along with the planting. You’ll leave with your finished basket as well as a care guide. We will have an array of annual flowers and foliage to help you design your own unique creation!

The Spring Mountain Farm Tour

Owner-led farm and campground tour: Sat April 27th. Morning/Afternoon options.

Join our farm team and the owners of our beautiful mountain farm … where it all began. Our mountain farm is home to our flock of Icelandic Sheep, our 18-ft grist mill, our campground, and our birds!

Rain Gardens and Drainage Solutions

Hosted by Brannen and Jill of Spriggly’s Beescaping. Saturday, April 20th: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25

Explore common drainage problems found in and around gardens and yards. Review multiple techniques to slow, control, and minimize stormwater runoff used in combination with native plants, including rain gardens.

Introduction to Mountain Gardening

Hosted by Arielle.  Saturday, April 13th: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25.

Slopes, shade, acidic soil, deer brigades- oh my! What’s a mountain gardener to do? Come learn some tips and tricks for a lush and colorful mountain garden. We’ll learn how to use the unique personality of this place to our advantage in crafting beautiful home gardens here in WNC.

Garlic Mustard Cooking Class: Turn an invasive plant into a tasty sauce

Hosted by Cara-Lee Langston of Wildcraft Kitchen and Mainspring Conservation Trust.
Wednesday, April 3rd. 10am to 1pm. Location: Here, at the Nursery.

Learn how to prepare pesto and kraut from Garlic Mustard, an invasive plant. Everyone will take home a jar of each sauce to enjoy, as well as a copy of the recipes. You can join Mainspring for any of 3 Garlic Mustard Removal Days and received $10 off the class fee.

Intro to Seed Starting

Hosted by our new farmer, Tolvin!! Saturday, April 6th: $25. Pricing includes take home seed tray.

Join our new farmer, Tolvin in this introductory class to Seed Starting. In this workshop, the WSF Team will help demystify the process of starting vegetables from seed, caring for them as they germinate and watering appropriately. In this workshop, each attendee will go home with a six-pack of early season vegetables and the knowledge to take care of them successfully.

It’s our 6th Birthday: Join US! / Anniversary Event at the Nursery (FREE)

There will be live music, food, an amazing FREE prize draw, local experts and community members, and a special plant discount! Learn all about who’s joining us and when to be here for specific events within the day!

How to Build A Raised Garden Bed / Hosted by Katie of 3 Barn Farm . Saturday, March 9th: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25

Back By Popular Demand! In this workshop, participants will learn how to construct a raised bed, what soil to choose, & how to plant the bed for variety and abundance. Good for beginners or for folks that are new to the area! For more information & to sign up, Contact Winding Stair Farm or follow the link below.

Compost Happens Class

Hosted by Adam Bigelow. Saturday, March 2nd: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25

Join Horticulturalist Adam Bigelow for this informative, entertaining, and philosophical dive into compost, composting systems, and how to keep a compost pile alive, active, and smelling good. We will discuss various systems, including tumblers, piles, Vermicomposting (i.e., worms) and Bokashi, a Japanese Fermentation Process.

Prune your Trees & Shrubs: Workshop. Hosted by Adam Bigelow. Saturday, February 3rd: Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$25

Adam Bigelow joins us at the nursery to talk about recommended tools and to demonstrate techniques for pruning and training fruit-bearing trees and shrubs to optimize their performance in the coming year.

Bare Root and Live Stake Class

Led by with Nathan Buchanan. Saturday January 27th, Noon start: Sliding Scale pricing $5-$25

A first here at the nursery, this class will present information on two different styles of planting that one can implement before spring comes about: Live Staking and Bare Root Planting. Both cold weather planting methods are fast and light on labor thus making them a great project for this time of year. Learn a new skill and engage in gardening early in the season!

Native Plant Seed Sowing (Milk Jug Class). Led by with Adam Bigelow. Saturday January 20th, 10am start: Sliding Scale pricing $5-$25

Adam will be back for our first class of the year to talk about the importance of sowing native plant seeds both directly (on the ground) and in this unique method where one also gets to repurpose a milk jug so it can live beyond its sole purpose in life and, at least somewhat, give back to the planet


Pick Up Some Holiday Décor!

We have a beautiful selection of locally made Seasonal items, including Fraser Fir Wreaths, Garland (Fraser Fir, White Pine or a Blend) and Christmas Trees in 3 different heights. Learn More about what we have on offer and/or Order online to pick up at the nursery.

Make a Holiday Wreath: SO MUCH FUN!

Nursery Location: Two Dates: December 2nd and December 9th. 

Get creative and join the Winding Stair Farm team this holiday season for one of our 2 classes:

Be a Holiday Angel

Pick up a Holiday Angel Card at the Nursery

Help someone local this holiday season. We have a selection of folks from kids to the elderly who need help this season. Right now, there are hang tags on our Christmas Tree in the Nursery Retail Center with the information you’ll need so you can buy items for your person. Thank you to everyone who participated in 2023!!

FREE Tool Sharpening Event at the Nursery

Nursery Location: Saturday, November 18th. 11am to 2pm. Free. Chris McGregor from Ironwood Tools.

Our friend and gardening tool pro will be here at the nursery to offer free tool sharpening for a limit of 2 (per person) hand-held non-powered pruning tools. He’s a wealth of knowledge so get prepared to learn while you wait! Sign up and get 10% off Ironwood Tools sold at the Nursery!

Elements of Pruning with Ben Pick from Saturnia Farm

Nursery Location: Saturday, November 4th. 10am Start. $10 to $30 sliding scale pricing. Pruning can feel overwhelming or daunting at times. Where do you start? Am I doing this correctly? Is this the right time of year? This class will go over the general elements of pruning, both the how-to’s as well as the thought processes and approach from one species to another.

Our Third Mountain Farm Tour: Sheepy Sheeps and a Mill Tour

MOUNTAIN FARM LOCATION: Saturday, Oct 21st. 10am and 1pm.
This includes a tour of the grist mill as well as meeting the sheep and their teenage lambs. Our mill was constructed over a number of years and is now fully operational, although we are awaiting some USDA approval before we can sell our organic grits! Our small flock of Icelandic sheep are rotated around the paddocks to maintain the pasture height and produce wool, occasional lamb meat, and registered ewes and rams for sale to other shepherds. This is a private farm and thus a rare opportunity to learn from the owners and enjoy its peaceful setting.

bonsai talk

Learning the Joys of Bonsai:

Nursery Location: Saturday, October 14th. 10am Start. FREE.

The art of growing ornamental, artificially dwarfed trees or shrubs. Led by local expert, Jim Binnall. We will have local bonsai enthusiast, “Bonsai Jim” joining us to talk about and demonstrate bonsai basics. He will bring along samples of soil plus, of course, the trees and plants he works on. A great free class to learn about a potential new hobby!

Cultivating a Meadow on your Property with Nathan from Wildbud Natives

Nursery Location: Saturday, October 7th. 10am Start. Sliding Scale Pricing, Pay what you can $5 to $20.

Our friend Nathan will present about the importance of developing meadow space and how to get started. Meadows are a beautiful addition to your property and they support a huge range of wildlife.

Fall Equinox Yoga Event at Winding Stair Farm

Nursery Location: Saturday, Sept 23rd. 9:30am-10:30am. Sliding Scale Pricing ($5 to $20)

Led by yoga instructor Sharon Mandel. Our tranquil oasis at Winding Stair Farm Nursery provides the perfect backdrop for reconnecting with your body, mind, and spirit.

Fall Planting: Trees and Shrubs, with Adam Bigelow.

Nursery Location: Saturday, Sept 16th. 10am start. Sliding Scale Pricing, Pay what you can $5 to $20.
Fall is the best time of year for planting Native Trees and Shrubs, as they get to sit in the ground after being planted, all winter and Spring establishing root growth, without having to do any above ground work like leaf or stem growth.

Planting on a Steep Bank or Slope with Spriggly’s Beescaping. Nursery Location: Saturday, September 9th. 9am Start. Sliding Scale Pricing, Pay what you can $5 to $20.

From helping with erosion control to providing a low-zero maintenance and attractive slope, this class has information that almost all gardeners can benefit from. The difficult question of dealing with a bank is one we are often asked about, so come on by. 

Nursery Location: Saturday, August 26th: 11am to 3pm. The Annual Family Fun Day Event: PLAYING WITH POLLINATORS. FREE. A wonderful day out for the family. The young ones will have plenty to keep them busy with activities, games, face paint, story time, and more. We’ll also have live music, a food truck and a great vibe!

Nursery Location: Saturday, August 19th. Native Pollinators. Native Plants. No Pesticides. FREE
Explore the incredible world of pollinators and beneficial insects that are in our local spaces waiting for our support. Discover the types of native plants and other key pieces of habitat needed to ensure pollinators and predators can access your yard, providing countless benefits to you and the local ecosystem.

Nursery Location: Saturday, August 12th. 9am to 12 pm. The Joy and Wonder of Native Plants with Adam Bigelow. FREE
Every year we host this inspiring and fascinating class with one amazing speaker. Adam Bigelow, of Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions, is  local “Plant Nerd” legend and will share stories that will not only enthrall you but entice you into the fascinating world of native plant gardening.

Riparian Buffers and Stream Protection. Nursery Location: Saturday, Jun 24th. 9am start. FREE.

Learn how to protect streams and waterways that run through or skirt your property. In addition to stabilizing banks and reducing erosion, taking care of your stream edges can also provide food for fish and wildlife as well as provide wildlife habitats, protect the temperature of waterways, filter water from land runoff and reduce the impact of flooding. This class will provide solutions to maintaining waterways and give examples of plants that work well along stream banks.

rams archiveOur Second Mountain Farm Tour: Meet the Growing Lambs. MOUNTAIN FARM LOCATION: Saturday, Jun 10th. 10am and 1pm.

This includes a tour of the grist mill as well as meeting the sheep and their lambs. Our mill was constructed over a number of years and is now fully operational, although we are awaiting some USDA approval before we can sell our organic grits! Our small flock of Icelandic sheep are rotated around the paddocks to maintain the pasture height and produce wool, occasional lamb meat, and registered ewes and rams for sale to other shepherds. This is a private farm and thus a rare opportunity to learn from the owners and enjoy its peaceful setting.

June 4th: Open House at the Campground

Bring your friends and family along to explore the magic that is Winding Stair Campground. You can visit all the campsites, take a self-guided tour, including the farm, bring a picnic lunch and sit by the river, and join Adam Bigelow on one of his wildflower walks that will take you all over the property on a quest for wildflowers and native plants. This easy-going, slow-paced walk will undoubtedly pique your interest in local folklore, beautiful and rare wildflowers, and send you on a quest to find and identify more cool plants in your future. (The wildflower walk is $15 per person).

PLANT N SIP: Create your own Native Plant-er

Nursery Location: Saturday, May 27th. 2pm. Sliding Scale Pricing 

A Special Class brought to you by Mainspring Conservation TrustWNC Wild Ones and Winding Stair Farm. We’ve designed this class to be both educational, fun and creative. Join us as we celebrate the importance of native plants in our ecosystems as well as the joy they bring to humans, mammals, birds and pollinators alike. Not just that… you will also be able to get your hands in the dirt and design your own native plant container garden.

Learn about the Franklin Tree with Brent Martin

Nursery Location: Sunday, May 21st. 2pm. Free to Attend.
Brent Martin, executive director of the Blue Ridge Bartram Trail Conservancy and co-owner of Alarka Expeditions, will present on the history of Franklinia alatamaha, or Franklin tree, so named after Benjamin Franklin. Brent Martin, along with his partner Angela Faye Martin, are local experts who operate a wonderful tour guide service: Alarka Expeditions.

hanging basket class

A Special Sunday Class: Create your own Hanging Basket with Winding Stair

Nursery Location: Sunday, May 7th: Two basket styles to choose from.

Our team will talk about the basics of hanging basket design, the considerations you will want to make and review the plants you will have to play with. We’ll be on hand to give you suggestions and help you along with the planting. You’ll leave with your finished basket as well as a care guide. We will have an array of annual flowers and foliage to help you design your own unique creation!

Rain Gardens and Drainage Solutions: Class with Spriggly’s Beescaping. Nursery Location: Saturday, April 29th. 10am. Sliding Scale Pricing. $5-$20.

Explore common drainage problems found in and around gardens and yards. Review multiple techniques to slow, control, and minimize storm water runoff used in combination with native plants, including rain gardens. Spriggly’s Beescaping is a family-run small business from Western North Carolina offering nature education and habitat restoration services. (They’re amazing!)

Raised Bed Class

Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening. Saturday, April 22nd: $25 to Attend, includes one of our Certified Naturally Grown Vegetable Plant Starts!

Are you limited by shade or space at your home? Are you new to gardening? Want to learn insider techniques from our farm team? We would love to teach you how to make the most of your garden by building and planting a simple yet effective raised bed. Learn how to choose the right spot, fertility needs, soil types, plant spacing, direct seeding, trellising and other space saving techniques at this extensive workshop!

Workshop: Compost Happens.  Saturday April 8th | 10:00am-1:00pm | Sliding Scale $5-$20 | Presented by Adam Bigelow

Join Horticulturalist Adam Bigelow for this informative, entertaining, and philosophical dive into compost, composting systems, and how to keep a compost pile alive, active, and smelling good. We will discuss various systems, including tumblers, piles, Vermicomposting (i.e., worms) and Bokashi, a Japanese Fermentation Process.

Five-Year Anniversary Party, Saturday, March 18th: Free!! Plus prizes, sale, and more. 11am to 3pm. See our schedule.

We’re going to be having a lot of fun. Nursery Behind-the-Scene Tours, Raffles with AWWWESEME prizes, Live Music, and More!

house plant class for beginnersHouseplant Care Basics with Tessa

Nursery Location: Saturday, March 4th: $10 to Attend, includes a cutting for your home projects (Plus a houseplant coupon!). 2 hrs + questions.

This introductory class on houseplants will be great to get over your fear of the dreaded “black thumb” by learning about plant selection, potting, lighting, watering, fertilization, common pests and propagation. Your registration includes a 10% same day coupon for house plants, pottery and house plant accessories!

Intro to Seed Starting: Workshop with Katie Doe, Saturday, February 25th: $25 to Attend, includes Starter Kit.

Learn the Basics of Vegetable Propagation from the person who grows all of our food here! From starting vegetables from seed, caring for them as they germinate and watering appropriately, this will be a great class. Katie Doe is our farm manager and, with her small team, grows all the produce and vegetable plants that we sell here at the nursery. Everything she grows is Certified Naturally Grown.

Prune your Trees & Shrubs: Workshop with Adam Bigelow. Saturday, February 11th: Free to attend.

Adam Bigelow joins us at the nursery to talk about recommended tools and to demonstrate techniques for pruning and training fruit-bearing trees and shrubs to optimize their performance in the coming year.

Native Plant Seed Sowing (Milk Jug Class) with Adam Bigelow. Saturday January 21st, 10am start: Free to attend.

Adam will join us to talk about the importance of sowing native plant seeds both directly (on the ground) and in this unique method where one also gets to repurpose a milk jug so it can live beyond its sole purpose in life and, at least somewhat, give back to the planet.


December 3rd and 10th: Holiday Wreath Making Classes

Making a wreath is the perfect way to use the many natural resources available to us and to indulge your creative side.
We have a couple of options to choose from, depending on just how involved you want to get!

Weekly Yoga at the Nursery

Starts Thursday May 5th at 5:30pm, then following Thursdays when weather permits!

 Rose James has been teaching yoga for over12 years and received her training in Chattanooga, TN and Asheville, NC. She specializes in yoga for physical therapy and mental health. Learn more about our classes and Rose.

Fall Planting: Native Trees and Shrubs – Presented by Adam Bigelow.

Fall is the best time of year for planting Native Trees and Shrubs, as they get to sit in the ground after being planted, all winter and Spring establishing root growth, without having to do any above ground work like leaf or stem growth. Learn the tips, tricks, and techniques to plant trees and shrubs that will help with the long-term health of both the trees in your yard, and the entire diverse ecosystem which supports us all!

Planting a Steep Bank

Presented by Kristin Landfield.

From helping with erosion control to providing a low-zero maintenance and attractive slope, this class has information that almost all gardeners can benefit from. And please invite your friends; this is sure to be a crowd pleaser!

All About Native Plants

Thank you to all who attended!

A self-confessed “plant nerd”, Adam Bigelow is a horticulturalist and native plant enthusiast who has a passion for the wildflowers of Southern Appalachia that he loves sharing and teaching with others. 

Pests, Predators, Pollinators, and Plants: Creating a Balanced Ecosystem in Your Garden

Thank you to all who attended!

Discover the countless benefits of viewing your space as part of the ecosystem and mimicking the incredible power it holds. The ecosystems around us have evolved over millions of years to work in tandem with the plants and animals that live there. Recreating that process is possible within your own garden. This is going to be fabulous!

Playing with Pollinators – A Family Fun Event

Thank you to all who attended!

We are so, so, so, so, SO excited to host this even for the second time. Last year it was a huge success and we had a wonderful turn out. We’re planning on doing it all again so register and then stay tuned to hear about all that’s going to happen! Face painting, Fun activities, Free Books, Food, Music, More! 

Planting with Wildlife in Mind

New Date: Saturday July 23rd, 9am-11am | Cost: Free

This class was developed to address planting for all manner of wildlife, including those you want to deter from your landscapes (think: deer). In addition, we’ll address planting for pollinators, song birds, hummingbirds and more.

Shade Your Stream: Riparian Buffers and Stream Protection

June 25th. 9am-11:00am | Cost: Free
Speaker: Dr. William O. McLarney, Senior Scientist and Aquatic Program Specialist, Mainspring Conservation Trust

This class will serve to inform our guests about how to protect streams and waterways that run through or skirt their properties. In addition to stabilizing banks and reducing erosion, taking care of your stream edges can also provide food for fish and wildlife as well as provide habitats, protect the temperature of waterways, and more.

4 year anniversary

Our 4 Year Anniversary Celebration  Saturday March 19th

Plan on joining us to celebrate 4 years of our presence as Franklin’s only Independent Garden Center. More plans will be unveiled as get closer to the event. For now… SAVE THE DATE!

Compost Happens, with Adam Bigelow

Saturday March 12th | 10am-1pm | FREE

Join Horticulturalist Adam Bigelow once again for this informative, entertaining, and philosophical dive into compost, composting systems, and how to keep a compost pile alive, active, and smelling good.

introduction to gardening

An Introduction to Gardening

February 19th. Hosted by Adam Bigelow and Katie Putkowski | FREE
An amazing class, well attended and enjoyed by all. Thank you Adam and Katie!

Winter Sowing: New Year, New Plants
January 15th at 10am. Hosted by Adam Bigelow | FREE to attend
We will learn how to get a head start on your Native Wildflower Garden by sowing seeds outside, in plastic milk jugs. This class includes a selection of mixed native seeds, a prepared milk jug with soil. Please register at the link below to attend.

Wreath Class 2021 – Saturday December 4th.  Morning and Afternoon Classes. $50.
Hosted by the Winding Stair Farm team

Our most anticipated class of the year is back! Gather your friends and come join us to kickstart your holiday season in our popular wreath-making class. We will guide you through the basics of wreath design and provide you with a whole host of greenery and accoutrements for you to adorn your piece! You’ll have hands-on help from our team as well as inspirational examples!

Yoga at the nurseryFree Yoga will Return in 2022.

With Jennifer from Beyond Bending Yoga in Franklin.

Sign up at the Beyond Bending website to secure your place. Limited Space.
Turn up 10-15 minutes early to sign in. This is outside only and will be canceled if weather is unsuitable. Jennifer is a wonderful teacher who has spent the time learning how to clearly explain poses and movements so everyone can enjoy, beginners to experts.

Fall Planting: Trees and Shrubs

Saturday October 2nd. 9am-noon | Cost Free
Presented by Adam Bigelow of Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions

One of the most important things you can do to help support Pollinating Insects like Bees, Moths, and Butterflies is to plant Native Trees and Shrubs in your landscape. And, Fall is the best time of year for planting Native Trees and Shrubs. Learn the tips, tricks, and techniques to plant trees and shrubs. 

Planning a Deer Resistant Garden

Saturday September 4th, 9am-11am | Cost: Free
Presented by Aaron Driver from Seven Springs Landscaping in Franklin.

Aaron is back and this time he’s talking about deer-resistant plantings.  There are many plants that are resistant to the attentions of deer and if you know they like to wander through your land, then best to think now about what you want to plant rather than suffer losses later.

Playing with Pollinators – A Family Fun Day

Saturday August 21st. Free, Bring the Whole Family!

It’s here! This SATURDAY! Not to miss, face painting, games and activities, food, free books, story time…

Build your own Herb Planter

Saturday August 14th. 9am-11:00am
Presented by our own farm and nursery team.

Katie and our team will head up a creative and informative class where you will learn more about the herbs you can grow, how to use them and blend them and how to create your own herb planter.

Native Plants for Pollinators

Saturday August 7th. 9am-11:30am | Cost: Free
Presented by Brannen and Jill of Spriggly’s Beescaping.

Creating a pollinator garden requires more than just planting flowers, although that is a great place to start! 

Planting a Steep Bank or Slope

Saturday July 24th, 9am-11am | Cost: Free
Presented by Aaron Driver from Seven Springs Landscaping in Franklin.

All About Natives

Saturday July 10th, 9am-Noon | Cost: Free
Presented by Adam Bigelow from Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions.
Co-Host: WNC Wild Ones

Learn to Prune at winding stair farm

Alternate Valentines Day: Love your Fruit Trees, Learn to Prune. With Horticulturist Adam Bigelow

Moved to Saturday Feb 20th | 10am – 1pm |  Cost: Free 
Learn the art and skill of pruning fruit trees for health and productivity.

Compost Happens, with Adam Bigelow

Composting class

Saturday April 3rd | 10am-1pm | FREE

Join Horticulturalist Adam Bigelow (AGAIN) for this informative, entertaining, and philosophical dive into compost, composting systems, and how to keep a compost pile alive, active, and smelling good.

A Socially Distancing Holiday Wreath Class with Kristin Landfield

Saturday 5th December

Adam Bigelow Workshop

Give your Fruit Trees some Love this Winter With Horticulturist Adam Bigelow

Saturday Feb 15th | 10am – 1pm |  Cost: Free 
Learn the art and skill of pruning fruit trees for health and productivity.

introduction to gardening

An Introduction to Gardening

Saturday Feb 22nd | Cost: Free
This class was a basic level introduction for beginners and those wanting to learn more about the wonderful world of gardening. 

1 year anniversary

The Winding Stair 1-Year Anniversary Event

Saturday 16th March | ALL DAY SALE + Various Events Throughout the Day | Cost: Free
Thank you to everyone who attended and helped us to celebrate our 1st year in business!!!   Sign up to our newsletter to get updates.

Canty of CW LandscapingWorkshop: How to Maintain Wild Spots in the Garden

Presented by Canty Worley, CW & Co Landscaping
Saturday 27th April | 10am-12pm | FREE
Thank you to everyone who attended – we will share a video of the workshop soon.  Sign up to our newsletter to get updates.

Adam BigelowWorkshop: Going Deep Into Compost

Saturday May 11th | 9:00am-11:30am | Free | Presented by Adam Bigelow
Thank you to everyone who attended – we will share a video of the workshop soon.  Sign up to our newsletter to get updates. 

Sweet StemsWorkshop: Cut Flowers: From Planting to Arranging

Presented by Ezra (of Winding Stair Nursery) and Kristin (of Alex Smith Garden Design)

Thanks to all who attended!!

Kristin-Landield-HoweWorkshop: Form Language: Understanding a design vernacular for landscapes in the Southern Appalachians.

Saturday August 10th | 9am-11:30am | Free | Presented by Kristin Landfield

This was an amazing talk – Thank you Kristin and everyone who came!!!

Adam BigelowWorkshop: Native Plants

Saturday August 17th | 9am-11:30am | Free | Presented by Adam Bigelow

As always, a fun, entertaining and most informative talk – Thank you Adam!!

Bare Root FestivalBare Root Festival: A Taste of Macon

23rd-25th August | Various Locations in Franklin |  Free

We had a fabulous time and hope y’all did too!!

Gerry and KevinChef Dinner at the Farm

Sunday 8th September | Afternoon to Evening | Charity Event | Winding Stair Farm

 A huge thank you to everyone who attended and the chefs, Gerry Klaskala and Kevin Rathbun. We raised $8500 for Macon CareNet.

Wine tasting with WSF

Winding Stair Farm and Eric’s Fresh Fish & Wine Market bring you a night of Select Wine and Small Plates.

Friday 18th October | 6:30pm-8pm | $10

Thank you to Eric, Norma, Gerry and everyone who attended.  Stacy made us some delicious farm-sourced small plates!!

Donna Bradey Orchid ShopLet’s Talk Orchids: The Basics of Orchid Care

Saturday, Nov 9th | 9:30am | Free

An absolutely amazing workshop and experience.  Thanks Donna and Liz!!

wreath pic

Wreath and Holiday Decoration Workshop

Saturday Dec 7th | Cost to attend: Free / Cost to make a wreath: $50.00

This was so much fun!!

To keep up to date with our events and workshops throughout the year, sign up to be on our mailing list: