This month, I realised I had to get some new photos for our upcoming Fall sale (keep an eye on the events page) to go in the Franklin Press, on our social media and the newsletter, and while enjoying that little photo shoot, I compiled a lot of photos from the nursery to give you a great view of September here. I didn’t go in all the houses so that’s going to require a visit from y’all to catch up with every thing we offer, but these were some of the eye-catching plants around the front and by the retail area.
As well as the plants, I wanted to show some action shots, but mainly I managed to get the Nursery dog, Tig, who, if you’ve visited us recently, you’ll recognize from such positions as: laying on the rug when you are trying to pay, laying by the door when you’re asking our staff plant questions, laying in a sunny spot as you view the diverse number of plants we have, and, laying by your car as you load your plants to take home.
September has been the start of the change in plants at the nursery, but as you can see from the photos, we still have plenty of color to add to your gardens and home projects!