The Animals | Winding Stair Farm

We love caring for and watching our chickens, ducks, guinea hens, sheep, and donkey.

The Animals

The animals on our farm are chosen and managed carefully to maintain healthy pasture. Icelandic sheep are rotated around the paddocks to maintain the pasture height and produce wool, occasional lamb meat, and registered ewes and rams for sale to other shepherds. Our Icelandic Sheep’s personalities make them a wonderful animal to work with.


Flocks of mixed-breed heritage chickens and other poultry then follow behind the sheep, scratching in their manure and consuming pests that would negatively affect the health of grazed pasture. We breed all of the animals with a desire for foragers who produce for us without needing as much supplemental feed, which is why we have an inclination towards primitive and heritage breeds.


The health of the farm is benefited by diversity, so we try to keep guineas, ducks, and turkeys on the pasture, as well as a donkey named Mama Peaches who helps deter coyotes and other predators.