The best time to plant a tree or shrub is fall. This class is about native plants.

Fall Planting: Native Trees and Shrubs

Hosted by Winding Stair Nursery

Saturday September 16th. 10am start
Sliding Scale Pricing. Pay what you can ($5 to $20)

Presented by Adam Bigelow from Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions.

One of the most important things you can do to help support Pollinating Insects like Bees, Moths, and Butterflies is to plant Native Trees and Shrubs in your landscape. Certain “Keystone” species like Oaks, Cherries, Willows, and Birches provide food and shelter to many different wildlife, making them a huge support for local ecosystems.

And, Fall is the best time of year for planting Native Trees and Shrubs, as they get to sit in the ground after being planted, all winter and Spring establishing root growth, without having to do any above ground work like leaf or stem growth. Learn the tips, tricks, and techniques to plant trees and shrubs that will help with the long-term health of both the trees in your yard, and the entire diverse ecosystem which supports us all

Adam Bigelow is a horticulturalist and native plant enthusiast who has a passion for the wildflowers of Southern Appalachia that he loves sharing and teaching with others. Adam has led hikes for the Highlands Biological Station; the Cullowhee Native Plants Conference; the North American Rock Gardening Society; Public and Home-school groups; among others. He offers walks and workshops at Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions.

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It's right about fall planting season - and our tree patch is waiting for you

Dogwood tree with our perennials hanging out