The Nursery Team

Meet Our Nursery Team in Franklin, NC

The nursery team comprises all manner of knowledgeable folk. Some are full time, some part, and some seasonal, including:

  • Greg: Our Nursery Retail Manager. If you have a plant question, believe us, he will know the answer!
  • Maria: Our Outside Retail Lead: her passion is helping the plants to thrive and helping you to find the right plant
  • Amanda (Panda): Leading our Inside Retail Sales and Buying, she’s got it all.
  • Briana: She’s keeping us organized up front and helping you with your questions and transactions
  • CK: If something needs fixing, or building, or re-inventing… that’s Chris, aka CK.
  • Josh: Keeps up with our landscaping and maintenance, and helps to keep an eye on invasive plants
  • Mina: Keeps our finances in order while also helping around the nursery when we need it
  • Rivette: If she’s not sharing her amazing knowledge about native plants , then she’s watering and tending to our plants and thinking about Native Plants
  • Madison: Leading our plant production efforts and generally bringing a winning smile to the operation.
  • Aiden: He’s watering plants, he’s loading soil, he’s ready to help where needed.
  • Stacy: Not only a great guide to all of us. She also has a great eye for how things look best at the nursery
  • Amanda: Keeps that general managing side of things going. Also *loves* Native Plants and Organizing Classes.

Throughout the Spring and Summer months you’ll get so see even more people around the nursery.  In 2024, we were joined by Lexi, Kirsten, Clay, Vicky, Jimmie, and Zen.