Take advantage of cold season planting methods and add a new skill to your gardening portfolio!

Bare Root & Live Stakes

Saturday January 25th. 12pm Noon Start.
Sliding Scale Pricing, choose what you want to pay: $5 to $25!

Presented by the Nathan from Wildbud Natives

Nathan will present information on two different styles of planting that one can implement before spring comes about: Live Staking and Bare Root Planting. Live staking is a fast, low-labor method to add certain quick rooting shrubs to wetlands, like riparian buffers, to combat and remediate erosion on banks. Bare Root plants are typically seedlings that have been grown in-ground and are pulled and prepared to be planted in your own garden while they are still dormant.

Sign up now to pre-order live stakes just in time for this class.

Both options are low-cost methods of planting a larger quantity of shrubs and trees, often used by conservation organizations. We have used both methods here at our Nursery, Farm and Campground to improve our stream banks, and to populate larger areas with seedlings.

Nathan Buchanan is the owner of Wildbud Natives, in Marshall, NC, which is a conservation nursery, growing native trees, shrubs, grasses, perennials, and seed for conservation and restoration applications, including meadow building and streambank restoration. Nathan has grown the bare root plants we have on offer this year and will be preparing the live stakes as well.

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