Garden Consultation & Planning from the Nursery’s In-house Plant Expert.

Garden Consultations

Sample of Garden Sketch (click to view)

Are you looking for some expert garden advice or design guidance?

Winter is a great time to start planning your landscape for the coming year. At Winding Stair Farm, during this quieter period, we are offering expert-level advice to people in the Franklin vicinity who are looking to put a little more time into planning their garden or specific spaces in their landscape.

You may want to do the planting yourself and would just like help with a plan, or you may want a bit more information to be able to work with your regular garden maintenance team or to hire a full landscaper.  Either way, our garden consultations are a great way to upgrade your space, as well as develop a list of plants that suit your needs and your garden’s specific requirements.

We can work with you to develop a plan for any type of garden that interests you or suits your space, including native gardens that attract pollinators, meadows, woodland gardens, shade gardens, prairie and wildflower gardens, Cutting gardens and edible spaces…

Meet Ezra

Our in-house garden expert, Ezra Gardiner, has 15+ years’ experience in landscaping, design and all manner of horticulture.  He spent several years as the former horticulturalist at the Highlands Botanical Gardens, learning, in great detail, the intricacies of designing successful native landscapes.  Ezra now runs Winding Stair Nursery in Franklin, where he works with local landscapers and gardening enthusiasts, helping them to find the appropriate plants for their needs and advising on how best to set and care for their new plants.

Tier 1: On-site Garden Consultation

This service includes a 2-hour onsite garden consultation where Ezra will meet with you and review your space, needs and aspirations.  After the consultation, from which we encourage you to take your own personal notes, Ezra will provide you with a rough sketch and plant list with any relevant notes. This consultation also guarantees you 15% off your first plant purchase at the nursery.

Price for this service: $450.00.

This price may increase if your location is more than 20 miles from the nursery to cover additional transport time and costs.  The price may also increase for large spaces that result in more than the allotted 2 hours time frame on site.

Tier 2: On-site Garden Consultation with full installation plan

This additional service would provide a full plant installation plan that could be handed to a trained landscaper for implementation.  The plan would include specific plants and quantities.

This service will depend on the level of detail required and thus we would need to speak to gather all pertinent information to provide a fixed price.

Use the form below to contact us for either tier so we can arrange to call you back to set up a meeting.